Why You Need to Treat Erectile Dysfunction as if It Doesn’t Bother You.

Thanks to the inescapable advertisements, modern men (and women) know everything about erectile dysfunction. To be more exact, they think that they know everything. In fact, they know exactly what drug manufacturers and advertisers want them to know. From convincing, professionally-made commercials, we know that just one pill of Cialis 10mg can resolve the problem of erectile dysfunction. Logically enough, men make a conclusion: “If I want to have sex, I should take a pill. For example, I can order cheap Cialis on the Internet. If I don’t want sex, I don’t need to do anything.” However, it is a popular misconception. Experts believe that erectile dysfunction is much more than just the loss of the ability of completing sexual intercourse. Here are strong reasons to go to a doctor even if ED itself doesn’t bother you much, because it can be a symptom of more serious disorders.

Cardiovascular Disorders

Erectile dysfunction is frequently a sign of problems with the heart or blood vessels. Erection is impossible without healthy, blood circulation. If the blood flow is disturbed, the penis is not filled with blood, and an erection doesn’t occur. Pills like Viagra and Cialis really remove symptoms, improving circulation, but this improvement is temporary. The initial cause stays unresolved. That is why specialists recommend not to ignore symptoms of erectile dysfunction and go to a doctor in any case. Chances are, you need the help of a cardiologist.

Testosterone Level

Another common disorder that stands behind erectile dysfunction is a reduced level of testosterone. The lack of this main, male hormone causes numerous problems, and not all of them are associated with one’s intimate life alone. Low energy, depression, weight gain, hair loss, reduced muscle strength, infertility – are few of the common problems with low testosterone. A severe decrease of this hormone can be a danger and can reduce life expectancy.

Urologic Problems

Erectile dysfunction is often associated with prostatitis or an enlarged prostate. Prostate disorders cause much discomfort, while their early detection and treatment can mitigate, negative effects and delay the disease development. By the way, benign, prostate hyperplasia can be treated together with ED with Cialis, but the Cialis dosage should be prescribed by a urologist.

Apart from all this, ED can be caused by a variety of serious disorders, including liver and kidneys problems, diabetes, hormone imbalance, and even cancer. If you ignore the symptoms just because you don’t lead an active, sexual life or simply enjoy taking magic pills for fast relief, you are making a mistake. Your body sends you a signal that something is wrong, and your task is to find out what particularly is wrong and treat it. Be aware that most disorders are most effectively treated when they are treated early.

Finally, erectile dysfunction may be a side effect of certain administered drugs. Instead of trying to remove the symptoms with pills, you may need to stop taking other pills. But self-medication is not recommended anyway. Consult a specialist and work out the strategy together.

Bottom Line

Erectile dysfunction is an unpleasant and annoying condition. But a loss of men’s power itself is not as dangerous as its probable causes. Even if an inability of reaching erection doesn’t bother you much, don’t ignore this threatening symptom.